Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the CEO and Medical Director of MedMalDoctors.
Dr. Hodkinson is a broadly experienced clinical pathologist who holds medical degrees from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. Prior to his association with MutantDx, he was the CEO of Stirrat Laboratories, a large retail diagnostic medical laboratory in Alberta, Canada. Dr. Hodkinson is a Past President of the Alberta Society of Laboratory Physicians (ASLP), which represents pathologists in Alberta, Canada, and was a key player in the restructuring of the $250M diagnostic laboratory industry in that Province.
He has acted as a laboratory accreditation inspector, and was previously Chairman of the Examination Committee in General Pathology for the Royal College of Physicians of Canada. He is a Fellow of the College of American Pathologists and has been the Medical Director of a CLIA laboratory. Dr. Hodkinson is a co-author of publications based on MultiGEN technology.
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