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Edward Dowd, a former Wall Street analyst and BlackRock portfolio manager, examines the epidemic of sudden deaths over the course of 2021 and 2022: a phenomenon many are calling Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. What is causing the extraordinary increase in deaths? 「 LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE: https://drdrew.com/9212022

Throughout his stock picking career, he utilized pattern recognition to get ahead of his peers and the street before his bullish or bearish thesis became consensus. Early in 2021, he noticed a rise of news anecdotes about sudden deaths among very fit athletes and other seemingly healthy young people across the country. Edward has amassed evidence from the insurance industry, funeral home industry, and government databases that excessive deaths among working-age Americans have increased in 2021 versus 2020. His thesis was simple: What changed in 2021?

Read Ed Dowd’s book “Cause Unknown” at https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1510776397
Follow Edward Dowd on Gettr at https://gettr.com/user/edwarddowd

The CDC states that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and reduce your risk of severe illness. Hundreds of millions of people have received a COVID-19 vaccine, and serious adverse reactions are uncommon. You should always consult your personal physician before making any decisions about your health.


Inquiry into excess deaths in Scotland since the start of the pandemic https://www.parliament.scot/chamber-a… https://data.gov.scot/coronavirus-cov… Scottish government Deaths in Scotland are 11% above average for this time of year and have been above the average for the past 26 weeks Indications and utility of cardiac genetic testing in athletes June 16th 2022 https://academic.oup.com/eurjpc/advan… https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases… Up to 80% of athletes who die suddenly had no symptoms or family history of heart disease Excess all-cause mortality across counties in the United States, March 2020 to December 2021 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti… An estimated 936,911 excess deaths occurred during 2020 and 2021, of which 171,168 (18.3%) were not assigned to Covid-19 on death certificates (as an underlying cause of death) Excess mortality in England and English regions https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022… England and Wales For 14 of the past 15 weeks, around 1,000 extra deaths each week, (none of which are due to covid If the current trajectory continues Number of non-Covid excess deaths will soon outstrip covid deaths this year (2022) Circulatory and diabetes, cancers Prof Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, Oxford University Excess deaths began to increase noticeably from around the end of April. They have stayed high compared with the past seven years. The signals in the data suggest something is not quite right Sustained rises in deaths should trigger an investigation, that may involve accessing the raw data on death certificates, a random sample of medical notes, or analysing autopsies. I feel there is a lack of clear thinking at the moment and, when it comes to people’s health and wellbeing, you can’t wait – it’s unacceptable England and Wales, 681 excess deaths at home, (28.1% more than expected) https://www.gov.uk/government/statist… https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIj… Our world in data excess deaths https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mor… Excess deaths = Reported deaths – Expected deaths P scores https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulati… People who would have died this year from old age and natural causes, dyed in the past 2 years from covid Therefore, this years excess deaths should be below average

“Germany is now showing a spike in excess deaths. What is behind this? Doctors are calling for an investigation but will we get one?

Separately, a new study from the Cleveland Clinic shows that the more Covid vaccines one gets, the higher the risk of Covid. Why is that? We look at that data too!”



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